Below are the guidelines about geometry and mesh error handling from release 310 onwards. Please capture it in best guidelines.



1. Create simulation model. Check cadModel.log and cadModel.simlog. Remove any invalid topology erros mentioned there.


2. If there are no errors, create mesh model. Check meshModel.log and meshing.simlog. Remove any errors given there.


3. If there are no errors mentioned in step 1 and 2 but still meshing is unsuccesful then use command Action--Check--Model Validity (with Geometry) and see if any errors are given in cadModel.log.


4. If there are no errors then go to mesh control form. Keep the setting check non-manifold model validity with geometry check on. After that create simulation model and see it gives any errors in cadModel.simlog or cadModel.log. If you find any errors in this step but not in step 3 then report this to developer.

(Simmetrix ticket reference--31544 and 31061)